It’s not too early to get ready for tax filing!
OnTrack WNC provides free in-person tax preparation services for most households earning up to $67,000.
We will offer two service options in 2025:
Option 1 – In-Person Appointment: Make an appointment to come to OnTrack WNC and hand off your tax documents to one of our IRS-certified volunteers who will prepare your return while you wait in our lobby. Your IRS-certified tax preparer will check in with you to ask questions and explain your return to you. You’ll take all your tax documents, including a copy of your return, with you when you leave.
- Option 2 – Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA): Do you want to try preparing your own taxes, but feel like you’d need a little backup? With FSA, you’ll input your own return online. If you get stuck, you can email one of our IRS-certified tax preparers for help with tax questions. Households with income up to $79,000 are eligible for this free service.
Interested in being first in line for tax services so you can get your refund faster? Fill out this brief eligibility screening form and we’ll contact you as soon as we begin making appointments.
Not sure if you need to file a tax return? Check out this resource from the IRS to find out.
Our tax program is generously funded by grants from the Dogwood Health Trust and
The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, as well as
our sponsor, Buckingham Wealth Management.