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Love and Money: Intentional Conversations

Like a DOZEN ROSES, these tips will warm your beloved’s heart… OK, maybe not, but they WILL help you have important money conversations for a healthy, happy financial life:

  • Be honest with yourself and each other about money fears, goals, and dreams. No judgement. Listen and ask questions for understanding.
  • Keep the tone of the conversation casual and remain open to what each other has to say.
  • Decide what will be managed jointly and independently.
  • Prioritize building emergency savings to reduce stress when unexpected expenses arise.
  • Set a time for regular money dates to check-in and address issues before they become problems.  
  • Tackle financial problems as a team to find solutions without assigning blame.
  • Be willing to accept your share of the responsibility for the problem and the solution.
  • If you get stuck or conflict arises, try to find a compromise or consider revisiting the issue after a short time-out.
  • Don’t conceal debt or sources of income from each other. Practice financial transparency to strengthen trust in the relationship. Financial infidelity should be taken as seriously as any other form of cheating.
  • When tracking joint financial goals, understand that changing circumstances require a degree of flexibility from both partners in a relationship.
  • Understand that a single financial setback impacting one person ultimately affects the entire relationship, no matter how large or small the issue.
  • Celebrate money triumphs such as reducing debt, improving credit scores and building savings.

Money issues may reveal deeper problems in the relationship that require outside intervention. Seek advice from a relationship counselor if matters cannot be resolved through normal communication. The same is true for your money life. OnTrack WNC can help you address challenges and restore financial health. Call OnTrack WNC today at 255-5166.

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