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Practicing Altruism (With Animals)

Leading an altruistic lifestyle can be a challenging but rewarding experience. While we make sacrifices for others we love, we in turn receive the love we put out into the world tenfold. Still, one such love which often goes overlooked is the love for our fellow creatures, animals.

Altruism doesn’t just end with human beings. It stretches out, encompassing ourselves, others and nature itself. So how can we put this sense of altruism into real-life? By practicing its values with animal creatures around us.


Adopt local.

Interested in getting a furry new friend for your family? Avoid the pet store and head for the shelter. Shelter animals often come from harmful and distressing backgrounds, and spend a long time waiting for the right family to come around and love them. You can be a renewed hope for a furry friend by adopting. If you’re not ready to gain a new family member, you can still help by promoting adoption to those in your life who are looking.


Volunteer at a shelter.

If you have a passion for animals and want to give back, check out local animal shelters in your area and see if any are in need of assistance. Volunteer by raising money, taking care of the animals or even rescuing pets in need. By volunteering, you can make a difference in an animal’s life and be a positive force for good.


Go fur-free.

Fur is fun, but not for the animals it comes from. Make the pledge to go fur-free in your lifestyle and avoid fur and skin clothing items, such as mittens, boots or handbags. Recently, faux fur is making a huge comeback in the fashion world, and it’s all because engaged activists have made a conscious decision to protect animals from harm. You can be a part of this movement by choosing to go fur-free in your daily life.


Watch what you eat.

You don’t have to be vegan or vegetarian to live a loving lifestyle towards animals. If you’re not ready to make a drastic change in your diet, try taking small steps to ensure the wellbeing of animals for food. Take care and focus on buying meat products that come from cruelty-free environments, local or organic. In this way, you can still live the lifestyle you choose while giving animals more respect and fairness.


Buy cruelty-free.

Across the world, animals of all kinds are blinded, poisoned and burned for the testing of human products such as soap, shampoo and lip balm. If you want to make a difference in animals’ lives, take a stand against these harmful lab testings. Check the packaging on products you buy to make sure they’re cruelty-free.


Encourage spaying and neutering.

Every year, animals are put down in shelters or killed on the streets due to overpopulation. Help reduce this risk by spaying or neutering your pets, and encouraging neighbors and friends to do the same.


When it comes to living an altruistic lifestyle, compassion for others doesn’t have to stop with humans. You can take it a step further and make a difference in the lives of animals we love and care for. Practice altruism, be a force for good and help save an animal today.

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